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If there ever was a time in her life when a woman is the queen, it’s at her bachelorette party. Social status, income, education level and even beauty must stand down in the face of the one person for whom this party is all about. So make sure everyone in the room knows which one is the bride by adorning her in shirts, tiaras, veils, beads and any other darn thing that will place the spotlight on her.
Bride white tank

White is the virginal "color" so a white shirt with white gemstone lettering should give off a a purity vibe that would make daddy proud. So, why am I fondling a pool cue and bending over suggestively? Because I’m playing pool, silly! And because I want you to see just how good looking and desirable a virgin can be. Exciting, right? Well, the other girls are getting ready to do shots again. See you out in the parking lot later?

bride black tank

I’m the bride and I’m wearing black. Not married yet and I’m not coming back. See that girl over there who isn’t as good looking as me? She’s the maid of honor and she’s supposed to be keeping an eye on me. Let’s ditch her.
bride pink shirt

Pink bride alert! Despite having no speakers, this shirt gives off a distinct
ahhh-ooooga sound that will attract stares from everyone in the room. It’s a curse to be beautiful.
bride white shirt

Yay, I’m a bride in a T-shirt. See, it says "bride" on the front. No, it isn’t capitalized. Is that a problem? Then go get me a drink and quit being so weird.
bride black diamond

A black Bride T-shirt with the word "Bride" in cursive lettering and a big diamond drawing. Add the smile and, well, maybe I won’t get married if you’re rich and handsome enough!

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bachlogo is our sponsor, so if you need bachelorette party supplies, please click the banner above and shop there. : is a review of different candy penises, - Teaches you things you need to know to be a maid of honor. suggests some fun girl-power music for the event. is like I just switched the words around. is a great site that points out the options available for black bachelorettes. I also worked on,, and